Home > Research in rare liver diseases > Pre-clinical research > Research laboratories
Research laboratories
Below is the list of research laboratories specialised in rare liver diseases, classified per topic. Each of them also has a fact sheet, as well as a link to their website for further information.

Unité INSERM UMR-S938 Metabolic, biliary and fibro-inflammatory liver pathologies
Département métabolisme inflammation, Centre de Recherche Saint-Antoine – Université et Faculté de Médecine Pierre et Marie Curie
Leader: Pr C. Housset
Topic: Study of mechanisms, therapeutic targets and predictive markers of liver disease of metabolic and biliary origin
Address: 27 rue Chaligny, 75571 PARIS CEDEX 12
Contact: Tel: +33(0)1 49 28 46 60 E-mail: alhamid.saidi@inserm.fr
Unité INSERM UMR 1174 Cellular interactions and hepatic pathophysiology
Université Paris-Sud
Leader: L. Combettes
Topic: Study of pathophysiological mechanisms and innovative therapies for genetic cholestasis
- “Genetic cholestasis”
Leader: Pr E. Jacquemin (Reference centre for biliary atresia and genetic cholestasis – Bicêtre Hospital) - “Paracrine interactions in the liver: role of ATP »
Leaders: Dr L. Combettes, Dr T. Tordjmann - “Regulation of liver regeneration via calcium, purinergic signalling and via bile acids”
Leader: Dr T. Tordjmann
Address: Bât. 440-443, Rue des Adèles 91405 ORSAY CEDEX
Contact: Tel: +33(0)1 69 15 70 72 E-mail: U757.inserm@u-psud.fr
UMR 7203 Biomolecules laboratory – U1057 Microorganisms and Intestinal Pathophysiology
Faculté de Médecine Pierre et Marie Curie, CHU Saint Antoine
Leader: Pr G. Trugnan
- “Modalities and consequences of the dialogue between microorganisms and human intestinal epithelial cells (study of the role of microbiota in inflammatory and immune mechanisms)”
Leader: P. Seksik - “Microbiota and Immunity”
Leader: Dr. H. Sokol (Equipe Avenir U1057 / UMR 7203)
Address: 27 rue Chaligny, 75571 PARIS CEDEX 12
Contact: Tel: +33(0)1 44 32 33 29 E-mail: stephanie.benabria@ens.fr
UMRS 707 Epidemiology, Information Systems and Modelling
Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique (iPLESP), Faculté de Médecine Saint Antoine
Leader: Pr F. Carrat
Address: Faculté de Médecine Saint Antoine 3ème étage, 27 rue de Chaligny, 75571 PARIS CEDEX 12
Contact: Tel : +33(0)1 44 73 84 45
Unité INSERM UMR 1149 Research centre for inflammation
Département hépato-gastroentérologie, Faculté de Médecine Paris Diderot Paris 7 – site Bichat
- “Inflammatory responses and stress in chronic liver diseases: study of the complications of cirrhosis and vascular liver diseases”
Leaders: Dr R. Moreau et Dr S. Lotersztajn - “From inflammation to gastrointestinal cancer: pathophysiological mechanisms and methods of diagnosis for the fibrosis-cirrhosis-primary liver cancer sequence”
Leaders: Dr V. Paradis et Dr A. Couvineau
Address: 16 rue Henri Huchard, 75890 PARIS CEDEX 18
Contact: Tel: +33(0)1 57 27 74 8 E-mail: margot.sauvadet@inserm.fr (general secretary)
Unité INSERM U970 « Endothelial Physiopathology and Biomarkers of Vascular Diseases»
Centre de recherche cardiovasculaire PARCC (Paris Cardiovascular Research Center), Université Paris Descartes
Leader: Dr C. Boulanger
Topic: Study of pathophysiology and biomarker investigation in vascular liver diseases
Address: Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, 56 Rue Leblanc, 75015 PARIS
Contact: Tel: +33(0)1 53 98 80 00 E-mail: Form to fill in online via http://parcc.inserm.fr/contact/
Unité INSERM UMR 1149 Role of blood vessels in liver diseases
Centre de recherche sur l’Inflammation, Université Paris Diderot
Leader: Pr Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou
Topic: Role of blood vessels in liver diseases
Address: Faculté de médecine site Bichat, 16 rue Henri Huchard, 75018 Paris
Contact: Tel: +33(0)1 40 87 52 83 E-mail: Form to fill in online via http://www.cri1149.fr/contact
Website (CRI) / Website (team’s website)
île de France
Unité INSERM U1193 Pathophysiology occurrence and treatment of liver diseases
Centre Hépato-Biliaire, Hôpital Paul-Brousse – Faculté de Pharmacie de l’Université Paris-Sud
Leader: Pr D. Samuel
- “Therapeutic innovations in liver diseases and transplantation, translational research”
Leader: Pr D. Samuel - Integrative biology, modelling and cell therapy for liver diseases”
Leader: Dr F. Le Naour - “Microbiota, inflammation and cancer”
Leader: Dr J. Faivre - “Cellular and molecular mechanisms of adapting to stress and carcinogenesis”
Leader: Dr. C. Poüs
Hôpital Paul Brousse, 12 avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier, 94800 VILLEJUIF
Faculté de Pharmacie de l’Université Paris-Sud, 5 Rue Jean-Baptiste Clément, 92290 CHATENAY-MALABRY
Contact: Tel: +33(0)1 45 59 34 03 E-mail: françoise.laigle@pbr.aphp.fr
Nouvelle Aquitaine
INSERM U1035 – Biotherapy laboratory for genetic, inflammatory diseases and cancer (BMGIC) MiRCaDe Team (microRNAs in cancer and development)
Université de Bordeaux
Leader: C. Grosset
- “Study of genes, microRNAs and signalling pathways involved in hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatoblastoma, two primary liver cancers respectively found in adults and children under the age of 5”
Leader: C. Grosset - “Study of the immunosuppressive role of peritumoral macrophages in hepatoblastoma”
Leader: A. Merched
- “Study of genes, microRNAs and signalling pathways involved in hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatoblastoma, two primary liver cancers respectively found in adults and children under the age of 5”
Address: 146 rue Léo Saignat, 33076 BORDEAUX CEDEX
Contact: secretariat: +33(0)5 57 57 13 73/74
INSERM U1053 – Bordeaux Research in Translational Oncology (BaRITOn)
Université de Bordeaux
Leader: J-P Merlio
Topic: “Liver carcinogenesis mechanisms”
Leader: M. Bouchecareilh
Topic: “Alpha-1 antitrypsin Deficiency”
Contact: marionb@ibgc.cnrs.fr
Address: 146 rue Léo Saignat, 33076 BORDEAUX CEDEX
Contact: sec-bariton@u-bordeaux.fr
EA 4331- Inflammation, epithelial tissues and cytokines laboratory (LITEC)
Pôle Biologie Santé POITIERS
Leader: Pr J-C. Lecron
Topic: “Study of interactions between the liver and the skin”
Address: Bât. B38 1 rue Georges Bonnet BP 633 86022 POITIERS CEDEX
Contact: Tel: +33(0)5 49 45 40 57 Fax: +33(0)5 49 45 49 55
Pays de la Loire
UPRES 3859 – SFR 408 ICAT Haemodynamics, interaction fibrosis and invasiveness of hepatic tumours
Université d’Angers – Institut de Biologie en Santé PBH-IRIS – CHU
Leader: Pr P. Cales
- “Hepatic fibrosis”
- “Portal hypertension”
- “Wilson’s disease and gene therapy” (G Podevin and F Schmitt)
Address: 4 rue Larrey, 49933 ANGERS CEDEX
Tel: +33(0)2 44 68 85 95
E-mail: secr-inserm-angers@contact.univ-angers.fr, paul.cales@univ-angers.fr
UMR 1064 – Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology
Université de Nantes – CHU Nantes
Leaders: S. Brouard and D. Laplaud
Topic: “Tolerance and lymphocyte regulation”
Address: 1, rue Gaston Veil BP 53508, 44035 Nantes Cedex 1
Contact: Tel: +33(0)2 40 08 74 10